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Command-Line Options



Run Chronicle as an API server.


Client Connection Settings
--interface <interface> ...

The API server socket address. If more than one value is provided then the Chronicle API will listen on all the specified sockets.

--offer-endpoints <name> <name> ...

Which endpoints to listen at for serving requests. By default, all are served. Options are:

  • data for IRIs encoded in URIs (at /context and /data)
  • graphql for GraphQL requests (at / and /ws)
--id-claims <JWT field names>

The names of the JSON Web Token claim fields whose values should be used to determine the external ID of the authenticated user's Chronicle identity. All listed fields must be present among the user's claims and their values must be strings.

The order in which the fields are specified does not change the resulting external ID.

--jwks-address <URI>

The URI from which the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) can be obtained. This typically has a suffix of jwks.json. The JWKS is used for verifying JSON Web Tokens provided via HTTP Authorized: Bearer ....

--jwt-must-claim <name> <value>

For security, the GraphQL server can be set to ignore JSON Web Tokens that do not include the expected claims. It may be appropriate to set required values for names such as iss, aud, or azp depending on the claims expected in the JWTs issued by the authorization server.

This option may be given multiple times. To set via environment variables instead, prefix each variable name with JWT_MUST_CLAIM_.


Reject anonymous requests. Requires --jwks-address because identity for every request must be established verifiably.


The URI that should be used to exchange access tokens for user information, typically suffixed /userinfo. If this option is supplied then the endpoint must supply any additional claims in response to the same Authorization: header that was provided by a user in making their API request.

Liveness Health Check
--liveness-check <interval>

Enables liveness depth charge checks and specifies the interval in seconds.

For more details, see our documentation on the Liveness Health Check.

The interval argument specifies the time duration in seconds between consecutive checks and is set to 1800 seconds (or 30 minutes) by default.

By default, liveness checks are disabled.

For configuration via Helm Chart, see our documentation on Helm Options and the Liveness Health Check.

Deprecated Options

Options may be removed in the next release of Chronicle.

--playground / --open

Make the GraphQL Playground available.


Write the GraphQL SDL for Chronicle to stdout and exit.


Installs shell completions for bash, zsh, or fish.

import <namespace-id> <namespace-uuid> <url>

The import command is used to load data from a JSON-LD file containing an array of Chronicle Operations. This command requires two arguments: namespace-id and namespace-uuid, which are used to create a unique identifier for the namespace that the data is being imported to. The NamespaceId is a required argument for the import command because it allows the program to differentiate between different namespaces and avoid conflicts when importing data. Data not matching the given namespace is ignored.

By default, import will use standard input as its data source. Users can also use an optional url argument to specify the URL or file path of a JSON-LD file to be imported.

Once the data has been successfully imported, the Chronicle Operations will be added to the Chronicle database under the specified namespace.

To import to namespace testns, UUID 6803790d-5891-4dfa-b773-41827d2c630b from standard input:

< import.json cargo run --bin chronicle \
    -- import \
    testns \

To import from a file named import.json, run the following command:

chronicle \
    --bin chronicle \
    -- import \
    testns \
    6803790d-5891-4dfa-b773-41827d2c630b \

Other Subcommands

Chronicle will also generate subcommands for recording provenance, derived from your domain configuration.

Load OPA Policy from URL or File Arguments

--opa-bundle-address <address>

To load an OPA policy from a provided HTTP URL, file URL, or file path, you can use the --opa-bundle-address option. The --opa-bundle-address argument must be a valid URL or a valid file path.

Note that --opa-bundle-address requires both the --opa-policy-name and --opa-policy-entrypoint arguments to be provided.

--opa-policy-name <name>

The --opa-policy-name option specifies the name of the OPA policy.

--opa-policy-entrypoint <entrypoint>

The --opa-policy-entrypoint option specifies the entrypoint within the policy.


Loading from an HTTP URL:

--opa-bundle-address --opa-policy-name my_policy --opa-policy-entrypoint entrypoint1

Replace with the actual URL of the OPA policy bundle you want to load.

Loading from a file URL:

--opa-bundle-address file:/// --opa-policy-name my_policy --opa-policy-entrypoint entrypoint1

Replace file:/// with the actual file URL of the OPA policy bundle you want to load.

Loading from a file path:

--opa-bundle-address /path/to/bundle.tar.gz --opa-policy-name my_policy --opa-policy-entrypoint entrypoint1

Replace /path/to/bundle.tar.gz with the actual file path of the OPA policy bundle you want to load.