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Authentication, Authorization, and Helm

Choices of Operating Mode



Chronicle can require that all HTTP requests to its API are accompanied by an Authorization: header with a bearer token that can be verified with an OIDC-compliant identity provider. The token authenticates the requesting user and may be a JWT that includes information about the user's roles or permissions.

Alternatively, if authorization is not required then incoming requests are regarded as being anonymous. Any user- or role-based access control must be enforced by other means of securing access to Chronicle's API because Chronicle itself would have no basis for enforcing such.

Chronicle's use of OIDC's JWKS and userinfo endpoints, and the identity claims fields, are described more fully in establishing user identity.

Chronicle records onto the blockchain the identity of the user who performed each transaction, whether anonymous or based on their verified JWT.


Chronicle can evaluate an access control policy before executing requests. The rules for such policies may depend on information borne in the token presented from the user's OIDC-based authorization: their identity, roles, etc. By evaluating the rules, the Open Policy Agent (OPA) may permit users to perform operations, or forbid them from doing so.

Alternatively, OPA can be disabled, in which case Chronicle allows all requests, and any access control must be enforced by other means.

Defining and configuring access policies with OPA is described more fully in controlling access, including how to create your own policy bundle.

OIDC and OPA: authentication and access control

When OIDC and OPA are both enabled, Chronicle is able to usefully control access to its API:

  • OIDC establishes a user's identity and provides Chronicle with information relating to the user's roles or authorization, perhaps via OAuth scopes.
  • Chronicle uses OPA to consider if the user's OIDC-verified identity and roles allow them to perform the requested operation.

Not all installations benefit from integrating Chronicle with both user authentication and access control. Such other configurations are discussed later in this document.

A simplified yet illustrative outline of the data flow with OIDC and OPA is:


  1. The opactl command is used to set an OPA policy.
  2. The OPA transaction processor writes the policy to the blockchain.
  3. When Chronicle starts up, it reads the OPA policy from the blockchain.
  4. A user's client software has them log in via an OIDC server which provides a bearer token to that software via a callback.
  5. The client software makes a request to Chronicle's API on behalf of the user, including the provided token in the HTTP Authorization: header.
  6. Chronicle uses JWKS to verify the token issued by the OIDC server, and may further query the server for more information on the user.
  7. The information about the user from the OIDC server is used as context for checking if the OPA policy permits the request that was submitted to Chronicle's API.


Chronicle thus allows API requests only if the user, as securely verified with the OIDC server, is permitted that request according to the access control policy securely recorded on the blockchain.

OIDC configuration

Identity provider endpoints

Define with Helm values, substituting for your identity provider's endpoints, typically available from its configuration interface:

  required: true

Setting the JWKS URL is required if Chronicle may be provided a JWT with the request's Authorization: or by the OIDC's userinfo endpoint, because it requires JWKS to verify the JWT. The URL, and its jwks: section, may be omitted only if the user provides an opaque access token from which the userinfo endpoint then provides profile information as a plain, unsigned JSON object, so neither is a JWT.

Setting the userinfo URL is required if Chronicle is to pass the bearer token from the request's Authorization: to an OIDC userinfo endpoint. This provides user profile information for OPA's policy engine to use in applying the access rules. The URL, and its userinfo: section, may be omitted if the provided token is a JWT that already includes all required claims.

The applicability of the above depends on the configuration of your OIDC server, and the rules in your OPA access policy. At least one of the above URLs must be set for Chronicle to accept a user's authorization.

Note: By default, if auth.userinfo.url is provided, test.auth.token is required. To learn more about testing with Helm and default settings, see this Note on Default Settings.

Claims fields

To your auth: section add a further Helm value:

    claims: iss sub

The claims listed in this value name the fields that determine the user's Chronicle identity. The default Chronicle Helm Chart value is nil, which can be set and overridden by the user. If no value is provided, Chronicle defaults to providing iss sub. iss sub is often a safe choice because those fields are registered in the JWT Claims Registry, are often included in both access and ID tokens, and, in combination, would be expected to identify the user uniquely. email will work for many sites, where the user presents an ID token, or they present an access token and a userinfo endpoint is configured.

Further reading

See establishing user identity for more information.

OPA configuration

The rules for the OPA engine must target WASM and they must be bundled for fetching when the blockchain is initialized with the access control policy.

The Helm values depend on how you have defined your access control policy.

    id: my_policy
    entrypoint: my_policy.is_permitted

With OIDC also enabled, it can be prudent to have one's Rego file require the expected values for the iss, aud, azp claims. This ensures that the token was issued by the appropriate identity provider for use by Chronicle. All provided claims are made available to the policy engine for rule evaluation.

See controlling access for more information on creating and bundling your own access control policy. Note the use of opactl set-policy and sawset to set the policy on the blockchain for Chronicle to read. It is anticipated that, with an appropriate policy, typical access control changes can then be effected by managing users and roles in the OIDC server, without needing to change the policy further.

OIDC but not OPA: allow everything, recording identity

Chronicle can record who performed transactions while permitting them all. For this, configure OIDC's chronicle and auth Helm values as above but disable OPA:

  enabled: false

OPA but not OIDC: universally restrict kinds of requests

Chronicle can enforce access control policies based on what the request is regardless of who the requesting user is. Without OIDC, all requests to Chronicle's API are regarded as being from the anonymous user. Therefore, any access control can do no more than universally restrict the kinds of request that are permitted.

For this, configure OIDC's opa Helm value as above but disable OIDC:

  required: false

Neither OIDC nor OPA: any controls are wholly external

If access to Chronicle's API does not need to be controlled by Chronicle itself, nor does the identity of requesting users need to be recorded with transactions, both OIDC and OPA may be disabled for the Helm installation:

  required: false

  enabled: false

Mock OIDC server

Chronicle provides a mock OIDC server that can be used for simple testing.

Production deployments

Production clusters should not deploy any mock services so they should use the Helm value:

  enabled: false

OIDC testing

By default, to assist testing, an additional chronicle-test-id-provider pod runs alongside Chronicle. This provides a mock OIDC server listening on its TCP port 8090, offering a JWKS endpoint at path /jwks and a userinfo endpoint at path /userinfo. With OIDC configuation no more than,

  enabled: true

  required: true

and no OIDC endpoints set in the auth: section, Chronicle will use the mock OIDC server for verifying JWTs. In that server's pod, its id-provider container includes an oauth-token executable that can be used to obtain JWTs for use in testing. Chronicle will accept requests bearing the HTTP header Authorization: Bearer <token> with such a test JWT substituted for <token> if it has not yet expired.

Alternatively, to obtain JWTs with your own OIDC client, it must connect to that mock OIDC server. Login credentials for a dummy user can be obtained from the id-provider container's logs where the OidcController notes its config on startup.

For more on Chronicle Helm testing scenarios, see our documentation on Helm Testing Scenarios.